Studies and Reports


International studies

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: A Global Concern

Author: UNICEF
Date: 2016
Language: English

The brochure collects data from more than 90 nationally representative surveys. The document is the most up-to-date compilation of statistics on FGM.


The Medicalisation of FGM

Author: Louise Robertson and Michelle Szaraz
Date: 2016
Languages: English

This report deals with a great concern: the medicalization of FGM in many countries. It describes the practice, presents pro and con arguments which are generally used and submits some recommendations to stop the trend.


Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Data and Trends

Author: Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
Date: 2014
Languages: English, French

This PRB data sheet contains an update of PRB's 2010 study on FGM prevalence worldwide. The findings show among other relevant points that FGM is still present in at least 29 countries. It presents statistics by age, geographical area, types of FGM and type of practioner.


Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: A statistical overview and exploration of the dynamics of change

Author: UNICEF
Date: 2013
Language: English, French, Arabic

This report is a statistical overview of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM) in 29 countries where the practice is known as traditionally performed. Analysis of the data reflects current perspectives on FGM informed by the latest policy and programmatic and theoretical evidence.


Protecting Children from Harmful Practices in Plural Legal Systems with a Special Emphasis on Africa

Author: Plan International
Date: 2012
Language: English

This report reviews positive legislative developments in different parts of the world, particularly in Africa. It provides several recommendations to legally prevent harmful practices against children such as FGM.

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European studies

FGM in Europe : An analysis of Court Cases

Author: European Commission
Date: 2015
Language: English

The study reports 20 recent criminal court cases in Europe in relation with FGM. It is based on data collected by country experts in eleven countries. The document includes court decisions, a survey of transnational movements related to FGM and stakeholder’s proposals regarding FGM.


Female Genital Mutilation in the European Union and Croatia

Author: The European Institut for Gender Equality (EIGE)
Date: 2013
Language: English

The report provides an analysis of the situation of FGM in the EU-27 and Croatia. It gives information about current policy and legal frameworks, prevalence and actors dealing with FGM and their approaches. It aims to support the development of strategies to end FGM in the EU.


Too Much Pain: Female Genital Mutilation & Asylum in the European Union
A Statistical Overview

Author: United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees
Date: 2013
Language: English, French

This statistical overview has been prepared on the occasion of the European Institute for Gender Equality’s study on FGM in the European Union and Croatia. This study provides statistical evidence needed to advance the discussion on policies and tools to address the vulnerabilities of female asylum-seekers having undergone FGM on one hand and of refugee girls and women living with FGM and integrating in EU Member States on the other hand.

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Local studies

Tradition and Rights: Female Genital Cutting in West Africa

Author: Plan International
Date: 2015
Language: English, French

"Tradition and Rights : Female Genital Cutting in West Africa" presents the findings of a study conducted in 2005 by the West African Regional Office of Plan International with support from Plan Germany. Over a period of six months, local research teams led by Alice Behrendt, a German psychologist, reviewed publications, interviewed national authorities and activists, and collected information about female genital cutting in villages in Mali, Niger, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.


Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung - Prävention und medizinische Versorgung: Vortrag

Author: Dr. med. Christoph Zerm
Date: 2015
Language: German

This document is an intervention of Doctor Christoph Zerm led in Hamburg under the CHANGE program. It provides information about FGM with a focus on medical consequences.


Listening to African Voices: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting among Immigrants in Hamburg: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice

Author: Alice Behrendt, Plan Hamburg
Date: 2013
Language: English, German, French

This report presents a qualitative and quantitative research focusing on the perception of African migrants living in Hamburg and in relation with FGM. The research activity targeted African community members as well as activists, researchers, health professionals and social workers from institutions that provide services to immigrants.


Female Genital Mutilation in Mauritania: Strengthening the Competence of Religious Leaders to Bring the Practice to an End. Summary of Experiences

Author: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Date: 2013
Language: English, French (summary)

Using Mauritanian experience in the matter, the report points out how to involve religious authorities in the abandonment of FGM in an Islamic context.


Female Genital Mutilation in the Netherlands: Prevalence, Incidence and Determinants

Author: Marja Exterkate, Pharos Centre of Expertise on Health for Migrants and Refugees
Date: 2013
Language: English

This report is the result of estimations of the number of women and girls living in the Netherlands in 2012, having undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) or are at risk of FGM. These estimations are based upon data about FGM prevalence in countries of origin, data about female migrant population in the Netherlands, information from focus group discussions and data from registration system at Youth Health Care and the Advice and Reporting Centre for Child Abuse and Neglect.


Female Genital Mutilation and Legislation

Author: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Date: 2011
Language: English

The document delivers a short overview of national legislation in African countries prohibiting FGM.


Veiled Pain. A Study in the Netherlands on the Psychological, Social and Relational Consequences of Female Genital Mutilation

Author: Pharos, Erick Vloeberghs, Jeroen Knipscheer, Anke van der Kwaak, Zahra Naleie, Maria van den Muijsenbergh
Date: 2011
Language: English

This study was conducted in the Netherlands from January 2008 and July 2009. It aims at highlighting the psychological, social and relational consequences of female genital mutilation.


Les mutilations sexuelles féminines en France

Author: Armelle Andro (Universite Paris1), Marie Lesclingand (Université de Nice),  Emmanuelle Cambois (Ined)
Date: 2009
Language: French

The research presents the current prevalence of female genital mutilation in France, it explained the practice and the beliefs system and social norms perpetuating FGM among communities.

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