Examples of Behaviour CHANGE Activities

In the scope of the CHANGE Project, around 140 behaviour change activities have been implemented by the CHANGE Agents in four different countries. The activities ranged from private dinner meetings with just a few community members to bigger workshops discussing FGM together with community members and key professionals, such as health staff. The activities  were organised by female as well as male CHANGE Agents and targetted both community youths as well as community elders.

Sometimes, the effect of these activities was immediately appreciable in such a way that the participant group was freely discussing FGM issues for the first time and participants felt that this was a big step to break the taboo in their community, in other cases individual participants even committed to get engaged themselves in the advocacy work to fight against FGM.

In order to show the effort and dedication that our CHANGE Agents put into their advocacy work, we present a few samples of behaviour change activities which took place.

