How do we protect ourselves against violence? Shall we talk or what else?

Photo: © TERRE DES FEMMESPhoto: © TERRE DES FEMMESOn Saturday, 22nd of July 2017, Sister Fa, activist and musician, organized an event for African communities at the family centre Horizonte in the berlin disctrict of Reinickendorf.

Sister Fa, who is also actively engaged against FGM with TERRE DES FEMMES, organized together with TDF CHANGE Agent Isatou Barry and other activists from African countries the event „How do we protect ourselves against violence – shall we talk or what else?!“. Different aspects of violence, including FGM, were discussed, illustrated by many examples. Our CHANGE Agent Barry was able to encourage an interesting discussion about the negative aspects and also new strategies to end female genital mutilation.

Due to discussions and the work with members of the affected communities it is becoming more and more evident, how important it is to actively educate and sensitize at all levels. Women and men often lack knowledge about the negative effects and risks of such a procedure. Access to knowledge is especially necessary to end the practice – not only in countries of origin, but also in Europe and Germany. According to the estimated number of TERRE DES FEMMES 2017 58.000 affected and 13.000 endangered girls and women are living in Germany.

TERRE DES FEMMES is engaged in the affected communities to encourage dialogue about FGM with the support of the CHANGE agents to contribute to rethinking this practice.

We thank Sister Fa and Isatou Barry for their engagement and successful activity!


