Behaviour Change Activities in the Cameroonian community

On Sunday, 4th of June 2017, CHANGE agent Colette Tchombou organized her second „behaviour change activity“ with the men of a Cameroonian community association. Her first activity took place on 21st of May.

As the other five CHANGE agents from Berlin, Colette last year took part in trainings regarding FGM in general, ist consequences and risks. She is now implmenting this knowledge in her community in Berlin to sensitize as many people as possible and to finally end FGM.

So on Sunday she met with members of the Cameroonian community to talk about female genital mutlilation. The attendant men listend carefully to her.

Many were already familiar with the topic, although in Cameroon only about 1% of the women are affected. Prevelance rates, however, vary largely between the different ethnic groups. The highest prevelance rate of 13% is to be found in the northern regions. Colette talked about the consequences and risks of this procedure; some men remained sceptical. One of the men was surprised by this longstanding tradition and wondered, if they may were any benefits for the men. But after Colette provided more arguments and explanations regarding alleged legitimate reasons, he finally concluded, that FGM has to end. Many were interested in the work and achievements of projects on site in the African countries. But they quickly understood, that also people in Germany have to rethink. Colette made very clear, that it is not only a women’s problem, but that it is also very important to sensitize male members oft he communities and to spread information about the topic widely.

„Le message est passé, on est ensemble!“

We thank Colette for her engagement and her successful activity!
